About the Journal
JGEN: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat is a journal that is a scientific forum for community service, with the online registered number E-ISSN 2988-6295. This multidisciplinary scientific journal in the field of community service is published by Lumbung Pare Cendekia with the aim of publishing the results of community service activities related to the development and application of science and technology research results, which include concepts, models and its implementation as an effort to increase community participation in development.
JGEN is a scientific publication in the field of community service and empowerment with coverage of areas: Human development and nation competitiveness, Local resource-based poverty alleviation, Management of rural and coastal areas of local wisdom. Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Cooperatives, Creative Industries, Education, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Marine, Public Health, UMKM, Development of environmentally sound technologies. Health, nutrition, tropical diseases, herbal medicines, Art, literature, and culture.
Current Issue
Kontribusi Gerakan Bakti Sosial Dalam Berbagi Kepada Anak Panti Asuhan Ideal Hati Jelita Kasih Indonesia
Abstract View: 19, PDF /Download: 15 -
Pengamatan Kegiatan Pekarangan Pangan Lestar (P2L)
Abstract View: 28, PDF /Download: 9 -
Penyuluhan Personal Hygiene Kebersihan Mulut, Gigi dan Mencuci Tangan di SLB Karangrejo Kabupaten Madiun
Abstract View: 45, PDF /Download: 36 -
Pendampingan Desa Wisata Sehat Anti Covid-19 Berbasis Sport Tourism Desa Tanggung Kecamatan Campurdarat Kabupaten Tulungagung
Abstract View: 12, PDF /Download: 7 -
Literasi Pemanfaatan Energi Baru Terbarukan Bagi Siswa SMA Kecamatan Biringkanaya Kota Makassar
Abstract View: 30, PDF /Download: 6 -
Pembuatan Otak-otak Ikan Gabus dalam Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga di Desa Tungkaran
Abstract View: 17, PDF /Download: 7 -
Edukasi Tentang Kunjungan Antenatal Terintegrasi dan Waspada Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan di Posyandu Kelurahan Pakunden Kabupaten Ponorogo
Abstract View: 45, PDF /Download: 41 -
Edukasi Penanganan Dismenorhea Pada Siswi di SMPN 9 Madiun
Abstract View: 33, PDF /Download: 29 -
Analisa dan Implementasi Sistem Absensi Siswa SMK Al Washliyah Kecamatan Hamparan Perak, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Abstract View: 7, PDF /Download: 7 -
Pembuatan Program Game Menggunakan UNITY Pada SMK PAB 2 Helvetia Kecamatan Labuhan Deli, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara
Abstract View: 11, PDF /Download: 13 -
Pengamanan Limbah Cair Industri UMKM dengan Teknologi Rotating Biological Contactor dan Filter Limbah Gerabah Kasongan di Dusun Onggobayan
Abstract View: 20, PDF /Download: 10 -
Focus Group Discussion Sebagai Upaya Pengabdian Masyarakat Untuk Transformasi Digital UMKM
Abstract View: 5, PDF /Download: 4 -
Memberikan Penyuluhan Pemberian MP-ASI Lokal Pada Ibu Rumah Tangga di Wilayah Desa Penimbung Lombok Barat
Abstract View: 16, PDF /Download: 5 -
Peningkatan Kompetensi Research Mahasiswa Melalui Kegiatan Kersoslinmas di Desa Pecatu Kecamatan Kuta Selatan
Abstract View: 9, PDF /Download: 3 -
Identifikasi Peran dan Strategi Kolaborasi Penta Helix Pada Desa Wisata Pujon Kidul Malang
Abstract View: 18, PDF /Download: 5 -
Pembinaan Karakter dan Kemandirian Santri Suku Talang Mamak Program Orang Tua Asuh Baitul Maal Amanan Riau
Abstract View: 5, PDF /Download: 2 -
Pelatihan Literasi Keuangan Bagi Gen-Z di SMTK Harapan Bangsa
Abstract View: 5, PDF /Download: 0